Boss Teaser for DEMO 2

A lot of time and effort is going into making this next demo a decent size bigger than Demo 1. Granted, that was only the first stage, so I guess its not much harder to make a second demo larger than that one individual stage...Nonetheless, we are polishing up a special someone who you'll get to see (hopefully) soon. DEMO 2 is aiming to be BIGGER and BETTER! 

Nothing gets bigger than the first world boss of the game. This is the largest enemy in the game as of now, and I'm curious how much larger they will get. The concept has been finished for a bit, right now we are still working out some of the finer details of the battle, and progress is smooth. Hopefully we don’t have another Tuffull situation where we need to tone him down. 

He will be waiting for your arrival…

ID -

See ya soon with more!

Files 9.5 MB
Nov 05, 2023

Get Mein's Quest (DEMO 1)


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great game, such cute designs, cant wait for the update!


Dude I can't wait for the next demo!!!


I cant wait to release it (but I gotta make it as good as possible)