Hey everyone, hope you are having a great evening. Today I wanted to start taking questions for the first ever...

Mein's Quest Developer Q&A

This is something I've wanted to do for a while, but I didn't feel the first demo was substantial enough to warrant it. Now, I'm feeling a bit more confident with our current build that people might begin to ask more questions pertaining to the final product. I simply would love nothing more than to answer some questions people might have, from the practical to the strange. With Halloween coming up, and other things, its quite a busy time. If you can't get to this Q&A, no worries, there will be more Q&A's to follow! 

All you have to do is post your question(s) in the Mein's Quest Q&A #1 Google Form provided here

Looking forward to what people have to ask! I wanna answer as many questions as possible. Even if I only get like one or two questions, you gotta start somewhere. I appreciate the effort you guys are putting in sending me feedback and such! It means a lot. See ya next time! 


Meins_Quest_DEMO2.zip 19 MB
71 days ago

Get Mein's Quest (DEMO 2)

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